Get Involved
the following local institutions can influence the different issues we are currently facing.

There are many ways for you to be involved locally. No matter how little time you have available, there is plenty that can be done!

FIND local board meetings (School board, City Council, County College) in Tarrant County, here.​
Find out if you are registered to vote, where to vote, and what candidates are on your ballot, HERE.
Find who represents you at the State, County, and City levels, HERE.
Help in the process of identifying misconduct during the election process by becoming a poll watcher during early voting and election day. By doing so, you will also have access to the locations where the ballots are dropped and counted.
Become a Precinct Chair and serve as a voting member of the Republican County executive committee. Find out how to become a precinct chair, the requisites, and responsibilities HERE
​​​if your precinct already has a chair, become a precinct leader or captain.
Every two years, the republican convention is hosted at the precinct, senate district, and state levels. Become a delegate for as many of these as you want to attend and participate in the creation of the platform, rules, and legislative priorities of the republican party of texas.
Volunteer for local candidates: From block walking to hosting a meet and greet, sharing their content in social media or phone banking, there are many ways that you can help America First candidates get elected.
Volunteer as a poll greeter for one or more candidates and help by campaigning for them at the polling locations, to attract undecided voters.​
Become an election clerk and help on election day or through early voting. This is not only a huge help but also a paid position.​​​​​

Republican Primary: Candidates postulate to become the republican nominee for a determined position. At this stage, you can vote for your preferred candidate with no risk of harming the republican incumbent. This is a very important election. - even years
Municipal elections: City level positions - student board Members, city council members and mayor. - yearly
Primary nominee elections: The candidates that win the primary are the Republican party nominees for the presidential or general elections. The republican party voters stand behind these candidates in spite these not being the preferred during the primaries. - even years
All the above races require volunteers to block walk, phonebank, fundraise, participate in candidates events and volunteer on election days.
Precinct convention: Initial level of Republican conventions. Delegates gather at the precinct level to discuss resolutions, Rules or legislative priorities that they desire the party to take on or update. - even years
Senate District convention: Initial level of Republican conventions. Delegates gather at the Senate District level to discuss resolutions, Rules or legislative priorities that they desire the party to take on or update. - even years
State convention: Initial level of Republican conventions. Delegates gather at the State level to discuss resolutions, Rules or legislative priorities Which will be adopted under the Texas Republican platform, rules and legislative priorities. - even years
To participate as a delegate in the republican state convention, you need to serve as senate district and precinct level delegate. To be eligible as a delegate, you need to have voted in the latest Republican primary election.