Become a precinct chair

1) Find out in which Precinct you live by entering your Name, Last name, and Birthdate, here.
2) Find out if your precinct has a vacant chair, here.
3) If there is a vacancy in the chairman position of your precinct, please review the requirements and Precinct Chairman Duties list.
Reside in the precinct.
Affiliation with the republican party in at least one of the 2 primary elections of the past two biennials (You voted in the latest Republican primary)
4) If you are interested in filling that position, and Meet the requirements, fill out the Precinct chair application form. you can accomplish that by filling out the application online. another alternative is, downloading and filling out the application.
When filling out the application online, step 5 is not required, as we receive a copy of the document filled.
5) If you chose to download and fill out the application, Attach the document to the form below and fill in the required fields.
After we review your information, you will be contacted to coordinate the next steps.
Press on the image below to access all the Precinct Chair information and forms for Collin County provided in the Collin County GOP Site.
Press on the image below to access all the Precinct Chair information and forms for Dallas County provided in the Dallas GOP Site.
Press on the image below to access all the Precinct Chair information and forms for Denton County provided in the Denton county GOP Site.