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Where are Our Children March Fort Worth - CANCELLED

Sat, Aug 29


Tarrant County Court House - Downtown FW

This event has been cancelled today and we could not reach put to organizers to find out why. We must stand for the voices that can not speak for themselves, the children and victims of human trafficking.

Registration is Closed
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Where are Our Children March Fort Worth - CANCELLED
Where are Our Children March Fort Worth - CANCELLED

Time & Location

Aug 29, 2020, 5:00 PM

Tarrant County Court House - Downtown FW, 100 E Weatherford St, Fort Worth, TX 76102, USA

About the Event


We Will gather at the Fort Worth courthouse.  

Today, there so many different forces trying to divide us as a people. The one thing that will unite us all is the love and concern for the wellness and futures of ALL children.   

We must stand for the voices that can not speak for themselves, the children and victims of human trafficking. Even more specifically sex trafficking, pedophilia and the torture of children around the world.   From the small communities to the high society circles of the elite, children are being abused in ways that are unimaginable. Childrens innocence is being ripped from them and it is being minimized, discarded or covered up by every major institution.  

There is an enormous amount of information out there exposing sick evil people. This is a problem that ranges from child molestation in our community to children being kidnapped, sold world wide for inconceivable acts on them.   We are marching for this issue to finally get exposed.  We demand every person connected to any child being trafficked, molested, or tortured to be convicted and exiled/executed.  

This should no longer be tolerated and we demand change! 

- Prosecute every offender, no deals! 

- No more light easy sentences 

- No protected custody

- No protection in prisons for offenders 

- Elimination of groups like NAMBLA 

- No normalizing and acceptance of pedophilia  

August 29th we will gather and make our voices heard, scream for the hundreds of thousands of children missing and for everyone that has ever been a victim of these heinous acts.   In the last decade, there is a huge push to normalize pedophilia and sexually charged exposure to our young children in hopes to persuade our youth they should accept this abuse. We have to push back harder! 

#saveourchildren  #modernslavery #TrafficingPersons #childsacrifice #pedoisland #jeffreyepsteindidntkillhimself #peopleagainstpedophiles #operationtakedownelitistpedophelia #pizzagate #WheresOurChildrenMarch #WheresOurChildren #WheresOurChildrenorg #savingthechildren #operationtakedownelitistpedophelia #operationundergroundrailroad  


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