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The problem: county-wide Voting System is flawed.

County-wide voting system does not respect the secrecy of the ballot for a voter who votes outside of their precinct. And it fails to comply with TX Election Code 122.001.


Countywide Voting is a flawed system and should be abolished, but instead of doing so, the Tarrant Elections, Secretary of State Jane Nelson and Attorney General Ken Paxton are suppressing vital election information that is normally available to the public to audit their own elections.


Recounts throughout the state are finding countless issues due to county-wide voting and use of machines.



The problem: our taxes increase an average of 10% yearly

Every year, your property is reappraised and the appraisal value increased at the least 10%. Per Texas law, they are only required to REAPPRAISE once every THREE years.


The methods used to appraise your property are flawed and the result is inaccurate and inconsistent appraisals that in most cases do not benefit the property owner .


Protesting these inaccurate valuations is very time consuming and many property owners are not even aware of the fact that these increments are occurring on an yearly basis.​




YOUR HOME IS ONLY REQUIRED TO BE REAPPRAISED ONCE EVERY THREE YEARS, PER TEXAS LAW. Tarrant County is doing this every single year, when this frequency could be significantly reduced, while abiding by the law.


Appraisal District Board has the power to influence the appraisal plan. They make recommendations to the ARB chair on the plan details and approve the appraisal plan for the following 2 years, by September of even years, while still being allowed to amend the plan, after adopted.

What can you do to help? Contact your appraisal district Board Members and request that they do not appraise residential properties on the upcoming 2025 - 2026 appraisal plan.

email Subject: 2025-2026 Reappraisal Plan 

email text:

Board member,


I am seeking to you to support in recommending not to reappraise Residential Properties during the 2025-26 plan, due to the following reasons:


Every year, our home is reappraised and the appraisal value increased by 10%. Per Texas law, you are only required to do so once every 3 years as a minimum.


The methods used to appraise our home are flawed and the result is inaccurate and inconsistent appraisals that in most cases do not benefit the property owner, but the taxing entities. 


These faulty methods, put the responsibility of a proper appraisal evaluation to be performed by the home owner, and the district's appraisal to be protested to correct these mistakes.


Protesting these inaccurate valuations is very time consuming and many property owners are not even aware of the fact that these increments are occurring on an yearly basis.


our county home owners are struggling financially on the current economy and are being taxed out of their residences. Your home appraisal is the base for your properties taxes, so an increase on it more often than not translates to an increase on property taxes or the price of rent.


Please support our County Home owners and do not include Residential properties on the 2025-2026 Reappraisal Plan.


Thanks in advance,

The solution: In-Precinct Voting System.

By reverting to In-Precinct voting, the voters will vote at a location that is a short distance from their homes.This will not only add transparency to our election process by facilitating citizen audits, but it will also allow us to go to hand marked ballots which will rid us of the machines that keep under-performing during elections.We can have no more ballots jamming, no more mismarked ballots, no more machines going down during the elections and our ballots will remain secret.

What can you do to help? Make your voice heard and contact your  republican officials who can influence this change.

Ask our Attorney General and secretary of state to issue an opinion encouraging counties to revert into in precinct voting. Texans are losing trust in our elections and the only way to solve that is returning to a transparent and not flawed election system.

Click on the link for a pre-filled email which you will only need to sign your name and address, before clicking send.

if the above link doesn't work on your device, copy/paste the email addresses, subject & body of the email. sign & send.

Secretary of State Jane Nelson

Your county commissioners court has the power to fix our voting system by disbanding county-wide voting and returning to in-precinct voting. You need to encourage your county court to add this item into the court's agenda, to discuss this topic and find a solution asap!

Click on the link for a pre-filled email on which you will only need to sign your name and address, before clicking send.

if the above link doesn't work on your device, copy/paste the email addresses, subject & body of the email. sign & send.

County Commissioner's court

We recommend you to email and attend the Court’s meetings to voice your opinion. If you can’t attend, you can provide written testimony to the court, in addition to your e-mail/call.

Tarrant County

Find More commissioners court contact information

Click here to Sign the petition to help secure texas elections

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Don’t let them discourage you. It is doable and we can do it in time for the November Elections.

The Nay Sayers may tell you it’s going to cost too much. The cost of elections doesn’t change because more than 2 precincts can be combined per Polling location. The county will save money on investing in machines, maintenance, storage and software updates.

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